Small Batch Eggless Spritz Cookies

tie dye spritz cookies

Here is an easy small-batch recipe for eggless spritz cookies! This simple eggless spritz cookie recipe makes 24 cookies, perfect to send to school with your kids for their class! My OXO cookie press came with a teddy bear and heart mold which were adorable! To substitute the eggs in this spritz cookie recipe, I […]

Blood Orange and Amaretto Streusel Muffins

Blood Orange and Amaretto Streusel Muffins

It officially blood orange season and I am about it! I grabbed a few from my local farmer’s market and got to work. Lately I’ve been pretty terrible about having breakfast, so I decided to bake myself some muffins. They’re small, portable, you can eat them with one hand – they’re perfect! 

Mini Chocolate Marble Cheesecakes

Mini Chocolate Marble Cheesecakes

Happy Valentine’s Day! This weekend I celebrated by giving into my pregnancy cravings by making these mini chocolate marbled cheesecakes (mini = portion control, because I need it right now- this baby has no chill) I topped these cheesecakes with dark chocolate ganache and heart-shaped strawberries to make them much more festive. I even tried using red […]